Professor Paul Hastings Receives Distinguished Mentoring Award

Psychology Professor Paul Hastings is the recipient of the 2022 Graduate Studies Distinguished Graduate and Postdoctoral Mentoring Award at UC Davis. Professor Hastings received the award for his "oustanding investment in mentoring" and will receive a $1,000 award of Academic Enrichment Funds. He was nominated by current and former students as well as Psychology faculty for being "one of the most supportive, dedicated, and selfless mentors of graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and junior faculty on our campus." Prof. Hastings was honored for four mentoring domains: (1) outstanding mentoring of students who are underrepresented in academia, (2) outstanding mentoring of students with mental health struggles, (3) outstanding mentoring of junior tenure-track faculty, and (4) major service contributions that benefit graduate students. As one student testimonial noted, "Paul provides holistic mentorship that has helped me grow in many of the areas that are important for being a successful scientist and academic, including writing, teaching, and mentorship."