Biological Psychology

The UC Davis Department of Psychology contains five major "areas": Developmental, Perception-Cognition, Biological Psychology, Quantitative and Social-Personality. Biological psychology covers a broad spectrum of topics including evolutionary, neurobiological and molecular mechanisms of behavior. Boundaries between the areas are fluid, and students are encouraged to take seminars in all five.

  • Research Orientation
  • UC Davis has a growing community of researchers examining the biological bases of behavior. Our faculty is diverse and active, with expertise in a wide range of approaches from molecular to evolutionary perspectives. UC Davis is known for its collaborative research environment where graduate students can pursue truly interdisciplinary research using a wide variety of methods and theoretical approaches.
  • Research Topics
  • Research topics include neurobiology of monogamy, psychoneuroimmunology, evolutionary neurobiology, mathematical modeling of social behavior, environmental psychology, mate choice and reproductive relationships, effects of stress on social behavior, epigenetics and social behavior, and neurobiology of learning and memory. Research programs are interdisciplinary and interact with programs across the biological sciences community at UC Davis. Advanced techniques in behavioral neuroscience are available including electrophysiology, imaging and molecular techniques.
  • Research Centers
  • Student training is enhanced by our faculty's affiliations with several internationally known, interdisciplinary units including the Animal Behavior Graduate Group, the California National Primate Research Center, the Center for Neuroscience, UC Davis Cancer Center and Mouse Biology Program.
  • Why UC Davis
  • The city of Davis and the surrounding areas offer rich intellectual, cultural, and recreational opportunities. UC Davis sponsors a number of cultural events, including world-class performances, distinguished speakers, free summer concerts, and innovative exhibits at galleries and museums. The campus is located about 15 miles from Sacramento (the state capital), roughly 50 miles from the beautiful Napa and Sonoma valleys (wine country), 72 miles from the cosmopolitan Bay Area (Berkeley and San Francisco), and about 150 miles from such spectacular resort and wilderness areas as Lake Tahoe and Yosemite. Northern California, including Davis, is known for its outstanding quality of life.