Feedback and Bias Reporting

The UC Davis Department of Psychology is committed to actively working to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in every facet of our department. Part of this effort involves listening to feedback, learning from mistakes, identifying problematic patterns, and working to address them. 

Providing feedback or reporting bias is courageous and can be challenging and emotional. Our department appreciates the courage, time, and energy invested by individuals who bring problems forward so that we can work to address them. We commit to supporting and listening to those who step forward. Retaliation is unacceptable and unlawful, and reporters will be protected against retaliation.

Bias can be reported in a number of different ways. You can choose one or more of the options to the right, depending on your goals.

Option 1: Internal Feedback and Reporting

Click to report bias or provide (positive or negative) DEI feedback to the department using a simple online form (kerberos login required). No identifying information is recorded unless you choose to provide it in the form.

Option 2: Official University Reporting

Click to report an instance of bias, discrimination, or harassment to the university online, by phone, or in person. This link provides instructions to file a report through HDAPP (The Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program at UC Davis) and for how to file an anonymous report.

Option 3: Confidential Resources and Support

Click if you want to speak openly with someone without giving up any control over your situation. This link lists confidential options who are not required to report your concerns to anyone else, and who will not take any action on your concerns without your consent.