4 image collage depicting psychology research
Katie Graf Estes views double screens while she reviews research recordings

Research Areas

The UC Davis Department of Psychology contains five major "areas": Biological Psychology, Developmental, Perception-Cognition, Quantitative and Social-Personality. Boundaries between the areas are fluid, and students are encouraged to take seminars in all five.

Biological Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Perception, Cognition and Cognitive Neurscience
Quantitative Psychology
Social and Personality Psychology

Latest News

Mangun Receives 2024 Award for Education in Neuroscience & Named Fulbright Scholar



Ron Mangun, Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Neurology and co-director of the Center for Mind and Brain at UC Davis, has just been awarded the 2024 Award for Education in Neuroscience by the Society for Neuroscience. This prize recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to undergraduate- and graduate-level neuroscience education and training. 

Professor Victoria Cross Elected Fellow of APA Division 2


Victoria Cross, Associate Professor of Teaching, was recently Elected Fellow of APA Division 2 (Society for the Teaching of Psychology). According to APA, "fellow status is an honor bestowed upon American Psychological Association members who have shown evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology. Fellow status requires that a person's work has had a national impact on the field of psychology beyond a local, state or regional level.

Professor Emorie Beck Receives Hellman Fellowship


Assistant Professor of Psychology Emorie Beck recently received a prestigious 2024-2025 Fellowship from the Society of Hellman Fellows. This fellowship is supported by an endowed program at all ten University of California campuses that provides research funding to "promising assistant professors who show capacity for great distinction in their chosen fields."

Professor Oakes Receives Mentoring Award

Professor Lisa Oakes received the UC Davis Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Professor Oakes was nominated for this prestigious award by current and former students in her Infant Cognition Lab. The award recognizes dedication to excellence in research and exemplary mentoring of undergraduate research projects. Undergraduate students mentored by Professor Oakes routinely present their research findings at the annual UC Davis Undergraduate Research Conference.