To request feedback or support from the DEI Committee, please contact the Faculty Branch Chair.
Student Branch
The Student Branch develops and leads the implementation of new initiatives to continuously shape the program to be conducive for students of all backgrounds. They also advise the leadership of the Psychology Graduate Program on policies and other initiatives. The Vice Chair for Graduate Education (currently Mijke Rhemtulla) consults, supports, and advocates for the Student Branch.
Tommi Afi Mayers
Winkie Ma
Maria Calderon Leon
Sarah Wang
Zachary Oakland
Isil Dogen
Maritza Miramontes
Faculty Branch
The Faculty Branch supports, facilitates, and provides resources for our department’s collective work to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion, guided by the mission and approach described here. We hold ourselves accountable for goal progress via monthly newsletters and solicit feedback through annual surveys and our online feedback form.
Danielle Stolzenberg (Chair)
Dulce Wilkinson Westberg
Paul Eastwick
Tomiko Yoneda
Katherine Graf-Estes